Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA). As you can see from the notification published on 13 April 2022, the GAZPROM Germania group, and thus WINGAS, fulfils central functions that are essential for security of supply [...] of its fiduciary duties, the Bundesnetzagentur ensures that an uncontrolled outflow of funds at GAZPROM Germania GmbH is prevented and that all payments are only made to maintain business operations. At [...] April 2022 to appoint Dr Egbert Laege as General Representative. He will support the management of GAZPROM Germania GmbH. WINGAS draws on a diversified portfolio to supply its customers and procures at various
Verfügung stellen. Wie Sie der am 13.04.2022 veröffentlichten Mitteilung entnehmen können, erfüllt die GAZPROM Germania GmbH – Unternehmensgruppe und damit die WINGAS zentrale und für die Versorgungssicherheit [...] Rahmen ihrer Treuhänderschaft sicher, dass ein unkontrollierter Abfluss von Finanzmitteln bei der GAZPROM Germania GmbH verhindert wird und alle Zahlungen nur zur Aufrechterhaltung des Geschäftsbetriebes [...] beschlossen, Dr. Egbert Laege zum Generalbevollmächtigen zu bestellen. Er wird die Geschäftsführung der GAZPROM Germania GmbH unterstützen. WINGAS greift zur Belieferung ihrer Kunden auf ein diversifiziertes Portfolio
you can see from the press release of 14 June 2022 from the Federal Government, the fiduciary of GAZPROM Germania GmbH and thus also of WINGAS will be extended beyond 30 September 2022. Specifically, the [...] securing the liquidity of the group and thus the energy supply in Germany and Europe. Moreover, GAZPROM Germania GmbH will be renamed and will operate under the name „SEFE Securing Energy for Europe GmbH“
and Climate Action (BMWK) , the Federal Network Agency is temporarily appointed as trustee for the GAZPROM Germania Group and therefore also for WINGAS on the basis of the Foreign Trade and Payments Act until
SEFE’s former owner and targeted sanctions by Russia. The subsequent suspension of deliveries by Gazprom Export resulted in high replacement costs for SEFE to fulfil its contractual agreements with customers