

Dear business partners!

We would like to provide you with the Letter of Comfort published by the Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA). As you can see from the notification published on 13 April 2022, the GAZPROM Germania group, and thus WINGAS, fulfils central functions that are essential for security of supply in Germany and Europe.

Against this background, the decision of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) of 4 April 2022 serves to stabilise the business and maintain the group's ability to function and do business.

As part of its fiduciary duties, the Bundesnetzagentur ensures that an uncontrolled outflow of funds at GAZPROM Germania GmbH is prevented and that all payments are only made to maintain business operations. At the same time, the Bundesnetzagentur is developing mechanisms to ensure that the company and its subsidiaries meet their payment obligations to maintain business operations.

In addition, the Bundesnetzagentur decided on 8 April 2022 to appoint Dr Egbert Laege as General Representative. He will support the management of GAZPROM Germania GmbH.

WINGAS draws on a diversified portfolio to supply its customers and procures at various European trading points. Our primary objective remains to secure supplies for our customers and to fulfil our contractual delivery obligations.

We wish you and your family a happy and pleasant Easter – your WINGAS contact persons are still available for a personal exchange.


Your WINGAS team

Your contact

Königstor 20
34117 Kassel
Phone: +49 (0) 561 99858-0
E-mail: presse[at]