A company full of energy.

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Information on the Gas Price Cap

The Act on the Introduction of Price Caps for Piped Natural Gas and Heat and on the Amendment of Other Provisions („Gesetz zur Einführung von Preisbremsen für leitungsgebundenes Erdgas und Wärme und zur Änderung weiterer Vorschriften“; only available in German) has been in force since 01.01.2023. This package of measures was introduced with federal funds to compensate the considerable burdens on companies, some of which threaten their existence, and is intended to cushion the effects of the worsening energy crisis and to reduce economic damage.

The law provides for price caps for piped natural gas for the supply period 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023:

  • For SLP Exit Points, a price cap of 12 cents per kWh including network/metering point charges and state price components/VAT is set for 80 % of the forecast natural gas consumption (in September 2022).
  • For smaller RLM Exit Points (Registered Demand Metering) with an annual consumption of less than 1.5 GWh, the aforementioned price cap is relieved on the basis of 80 % of the natural gas consumption of the calendar year 2021.
  • For larger RLM Exit Points with an annual consumption of more than 1.5 GWh, a limit of 7 cents per kWh excl. network/measuring point charges and state price components/VAT applies for 70 % of the measured natural gas consumption of 2021.

As your natural gas supplier, we will provide you with this relief within the framework of the legal provisions via the monthly settlement, provided you want to make use of the Gas Price Cap. Please note that the legal provisions include some notification obligations for you as an end consumer (“Letztverbraucher”).

One thing is certain: In view of the high price level of energy, it will not be possible to fully compensate the burdens, so there is no alternative to cost savings by reducing the energy consumption of all end consumers despite the Gas Price Cap. It is therefore all the more important to continue to support the Federal Government’s savings target of at least 20 %.

We are pleased to support you with regard to efficiency measures for your gas portfolio.

For more information on the Gas Price Cap, please see the text of the law (only available in German).

The law was passed under great time pressure and therefore still contains various interpretations that need to be specified. As your energy partner, we are at your disposal for further discussions. However, we ask for your understanding that we are not allowed to offer you legal advice.


SEFE Energy GmbH
Königstor 20
34117 Kassel
+49 (0) 561 99858-0