A company full of energy.

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Information on Emergency Assistance

The energy crisis and the related additional burdens on businesses and households are in the focus of public interest and, therefore, also on the political agenda. In order to alleviate the consequences of the increased gas prices in a timely manner, the Federal Government of Germany has initiated the German Natural Gas Heat Emergency Assistance Act (“Erdgas-Wärme-Soforthilfegesetz”; only available in German).

The aim of this law is to provide short-term relief from federal funds to customers with standard load profiles (SLP), as well as commercial and small industrial customers with registered demand metering (RLM) with an annual consumption of less than 1.5 million kWh, as part of a one-time December assistance programme.

The legislator has opted for the following solution: Gas customers with SLP will receive state emergency assistance (provisional benefit) via their supplier for the month of December 2022, at the latest in January 2023, which also takes into account possible gas price increases at the end of the year. The amount of the emergency assistance corresponds to one twelfth of the individual annual consumption forecast in September 2022, multiplied by the contract price valid in December.

Companies with smaller RLM exit points also receive the emergency assistance. The relief amounts to one twelfth of the individual annual consumption for the months of November 2021 up to and including October 2022. Companies that meet the requirements for entitlement to emergency assistance pursuant to art. 2 para. 1 sentence 4 German Natural Gas Heat Emergency Assistance Act must demonstrate this in written form to their gas supplier by 31 December 2022.

One thing is clear, however: A full compensation of the burdens will not be possible in view of the high price level of energy costs. The costs on the procurement side alone have increased massively, meaning that companies and private consumers must continue to prepare for significantly higher gas prices. This makes it all the more important to support the federal government’s saving target of at least 20 % in order to avoid a national gas shortage.

We are pleased to support you with regard to efficiency measures for your gas portfolio - please contact your account manager.


SEFE Energy GmbH
Königstor 20
34117 Kassel
+49 (0) 561 99858-0