

SEFE signs long-term Sales and Purchase Agreement with Venture Global LNG

SEFE Securing Energy for Europe (SEFE) and Venture Global LNG, an important provider of LNG from the U.S., signed a long-term LNG sales and purchase agreement.

Under the agreement, SEFE will purchase 3 bcm of LNG per year from Venture Global’s CP2 LNG facility in Louisiana, U.S. for 20 years additionally to existing collaboration. This accounts for approximately 30 cargoes per year.

“Venture Global is thrilled to begin a strategic partnership with SEFE, making our company the largest long-term LNG supplier to Germany,” said Mike Sabel, CEO of Venture Global LNG. “SEFE is playing a leading role in ensuring security of energy supply for not only Germany but the rest of the European gas market. Germany has acted decisively to diversify its energy portfolio, and LNG will be a vital part of that mix as it seeks to strengthen its energy security while at the same time advancing environmental progress. We are honored to support a key U.S. ally in each of these efforts.”

“By joining forces with Venture Global LNG, SEFE makes another important step on our mission to secure energy for German and European customers and meet the energy demand of the region. In delivering a substantial amount of the contracted capacity of CP2 LNG to European customers, we contribute to the further diversification and sustainability of the European energy supply,” said Egbert Laege, CEO of SEFE.

About SEFE
SEFE Securing Energy for Europe GmbH (SEFE) is an integrated energy company owned by the Federal Republic of Germany that is active in various stages along the value chain. Headquartered in Berlin, Germany, the company with more than 1,500 employees has its strongest presence in Germany, supplying industrial customers and municipal utilities. SEFE is a midstream company focusing on trading & portfolio management, sales, storage and pipeline infrastructure. SEFE plays a pivotal role in providing energy supply stability for Germany and Europe.

About Venture Global LNG
Venture Global is a long-term, low-cost provider of U.S. LNG sourced from resource rich North American natural gas basins. Venture Global’s first facility, Calcasieu Pass, commenced producing first LNG in January 2022. The company is also constructing or developing an additional 60 MTPA of production capacity in Louisiana to provide clean, affordable energy to the world. The company is developing Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) projects at each of its LNG facilities.

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